
Dedicated training

Our customer success team are here to help you with anything warranty related. From system training to sales advice, we're here to help.

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One-to-one training

We offer dedicated one-to-one training for all your team members. This can include face-to-face meetings, digital catch-ups, or phone support.

Group training

Need to get your entire team up to speed fast? Our group training allows you to bring everyone up to speed fast.

Digital training

Our extensive library of articles and videos helps you get started with any task you have in Love Warranty. We also have helpful training tours to make things easier.

Videos and help guides

Our digital training includes a range of system and process-driven videos or help guides to ensure you get the most out of your warranties.

Phone or chat support

If you cannot find the answers you are looking for, you can also use our live chat or phone support for dedicated training.